Friday, August 29, 2008

Pickleball @ Cleveland Park Friday 8-29-08

The courts had to be rechalked today because of the rain that we got this week from TS Fay. There were 9 of us for pickleball today.....Steve, Ralph, Lynne S., Ron, Sharon, Bob H., Anne, Ken and I. It wasn't too awfully hot out there. The sun was out. We were surrounded by tennis players and some of them seemed to be interested in our game. I guess they could see that we have a lot of fun.
As the weather gets cooler the courts might be harder to come by. Last week Ken and I went by Timmons Park to see how the work was going there. There is a huge gap in the road where they are suppose to be going to put a big culvert. It looks like a major project. We couldn't drive into the park at all. We have found out that the disc golfers are parking at the swim club that is closed up. You can park there and easily walk into the park. There's a nice big parking lot at the pool. That could be an option for us pickleball players if Cleveland Park becomes too crowded.
The Hendersonville pickleball group has invited our group to come up for a tournament the last of September. So far 5 of us are thinking about going. We're going to email and find out more details about the tournament.
Remember to keep a lookout for potential pickleball players and invite them to come and try the game with us.
Hope to C U on D Courts......Lynn

Monday, August 25, 2008

Pickleball at Cleveland Park Monday 8-25-08

We just did miss the rain today. 5 pickleball players braved the weather.....Steve, Ron, Sharon, Ken and I. We had some good games except for Ken. He says he never won a game today. I must have only had about 2 good games in me. We were both down but Sharon was really up on her game and really played well. We had one short shower toward the end. But after that shower we played at least 2 more games. We played till 12:00 today....3 1/2 hours. Then the dark clouds and thunder started moving in. We made it to the cars and even stood around there visiting before the bottom fell out. We were in the cars by then fortunately.
Please remember to keep a look out for potential pickleball players.
Hope to C U on D Courts.....Lynn

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Pickleball at Cleveland Park Thursday 8-21-08

Today it was very windy because of tropical storm Fay. The wind really gave us a challenge. We had some good games anyway though. There were 8 of us for pickleball today......Ron, Sharon, Steve, Ralph, Lynne S., Bob H., Ken & I. Anne was missing. We don't know what happened to her.
After pickleball, on the way home, we went by Timmons Park to see if they had finished the road work and opened the park back up. The workmen were digging out a big hole with a back-hoe. It looks like it's going to be a while longer before they open the park back up.
Please remember that if you have a friend that you think would be interested in pickleball please invite them to come try it!
C U on D Courts.....Lynn

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Pickleball @ Cleveland Park Tuesday 8-19-08

It was another good day at the pickleball courts today. Some of our group that was missing last week were back but some are still gone. We had 11 players today.....Barb, John, Steve, Ralph, Anne, Ron, Sharon, Lynne S., Bob H., and Ken and I. We needed one more to make it 12. Most of the time we had 2 doubles courts going and 1 court with canadian doubles. We were all very considerate of the lady tennis players and we all walked around to our courts and not through theirs. We don't want to create any enemies with the tennis players.
Sharon said that she called the parks department and asked them to paint lines on the courts for us. They said that they were aware of us playing and that they would consider painting the lines. So thank you Sharon for doing that!
When we got home we had the new order of balls waiting for us. We were pleasantly surprised to see that Doug sent us a "baker's dozen" of balls.....12 yellow and 1 orange. We've really started breaking some balls lately.
We got some good news from our new player Mike that he received his new paddle today but also some bad news that he won't be able to play for 2 weeks because of a skin cancer removed from his ankle.
We missed Bokson today. She had to return to work today.
We had some really good games today and a good time was had by all. Looks like we are going to have to play on Thursday because of tropical storm Fay.
C U on D courts......Lynn

Friday, August 15, 2008

Pickleball @ Cleveland Park Friday 8-15-08

It was nice to have 2 new players today..... Fernando and Mike. We met Fernando through our tennis group. And we know Mike from our hiking club. They both have tennis backgrounds so they picked up the game in about 5 minutes. They really proved to be some good competition and a good addition to the group.
We had 8 players today....Steve, Fernando, Bokson, Barb, Mike, Bob H. and Ken and I.
Today was Bokson's last day with us for awhile as she is going back to work next Tuesday. But Barb informed us that she is coming to play on Tuesday with us and we were really happy to hear that. Also Mike just emailed to say that he has ordered a new paddle. We are looking forward to Ron, Sharon, Lynne S. and Ralph returning next week.
C U on D Courts.....Lynn

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pickleball @ Cleveland Park Tuesday 8-12-08

It was a nice cool morning for pickleball. The wind was blowing and that felt good to us but didn't do our pickleball any good. There were 9 of us for pickleball today.....John, Bokson, Barb, Steve, Ralph, Anne, Bob H., Ken and I. We sure are missing all the vacationers.....Ron & Sharon, Bob T., Lynne S. and George. Plus Claude and Josee. All of our chalk was still there. We have not had any rain. We hope to play again on Friday.
Please remember that if anyone has a friend that you think would be interested in pickleball please invite them to come try it!
C U on D Courts.....Lynn

Friday, August 8, 2008

Pickleball @ Cleveland Park Friday 8-8-08

There was a smaller group for pickleball today. There were 9 players but only 8 at a time as George left at 10:30 and then Anne came to take his place after her aerobics class. The players were Barb, Bokson, Steve, Ralph, George, Bob H., Anne, Ken and I. It was a nice morning to play as it wasn't so hot and we had a nice breeze, of course the breeze didn't help the ball but it felt good. There were also 2 ladies tennis doubles groups there and they were eyeing our courts as they wanted our shadiest one but we were there first. We had to rechalk the courts as it must have rained just enough to wash the chalk away but fortunately we did not have to clean up any water. We had some good games today even though we were missing some of our players. Bob T. was babysitting and is getting ready for the big camping trip to Vancouver Island and Ron and Sharon left this morning for NY for vacation. Lynne S. has not made it back yet from her Oregon vacation. Hope she is ok and will be back on the courts with us soon.
Because of so many of our players going on vacations, if anyone has a friend that you think would be interested in pickleball please invite them to come try it!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Pickleball @ Cleveland Park Tuesday 8-05-08

Pickleball was at Cleveland Park today. We had really good luck getting courts. Today was the first time that we have been able to play on 3 courts! There were 13 players in all ...... John, Bob T., Bokson, Barb, Ralph, Steve, Ron, Sharon, Anne, Bob H., San, Ken and I. Ron and Sharon tried out their new paddles and both of them seemed to be very happy with their choices.
San came for only one game. She was afraid that she would mess up her back again.
Bokson is really improving. She was out there getting into diving for those short low balls.
It was so nice at Cleveland Park today as we had extra shade and having the multiple courts to use. Everyone seemed to be happy being there.
Our bad news now is that Ron and Sharon are leaving on Friday for a week vacation and Bob T. is leaving also for a very long vacation. We will miss all of them.
But we are looking forward to our next pickleball session. C U on D Courts...Lynn

Friday, August 1, 2008

Pickleball @ Timmons Park Friday 8-1-08

This was our last time to play at Timmons Park for a while. There was just enough water on the courts to try out our new squeegee which worked great! Bob T. was very impressed with the squeegee. He brought his too and we cleaned up the courts quickly and started chalking. We had 13 players in all today......Bob T., George, Bokson, Barb, Ralph, Steve, Ron, Sharon, Lou P., Anne, Katelin, Ken and I. Lou P. came for her first time. She had seen the segment on pickleball on Good Morning America. We had some pretty good games today but there did seem to be a flying paddle at one point. We won't mention any names but it might be a good thing that a new paddle has been ordered. Looks like we'll be heading over to Cleveland Park next week as Timmons will be closed for road work. We hope to get Bob H. and Lynne S. back next week after their vacations.
Looking forward to our next pickleball session so......C U on D Courts....lynn