Tuesday, May 15, 2012

TuesdayBall - May 15, 2012

This photo is the first attempt at a grope group picture since the last one taken on October 12, 2010. The players very kindly stopped their matches and lined up as requested. It would appear, after a close examination that - tempting as it may have been - no one put up 'rabbit ears' behind anyone's head. The photo will liven up a bit if you click to enlarge it. We had 21 players on four courts and things went smoothly. Don and Hank, our most exuberant new players, both made running/lunging attempts at out-of-reach balls, but thankfully they did not take any divots out of themselves or the courts.
Players: (All included in the group photo above): Gary A, Bob H, Mike, Jan, Karen, Lynne, Sharon,  Bill S, Don, Sandy F, Dan L, Barbara L, Bob T, Johnny, Carol, Gene, Hank, Peter, Ray, Steve and Ron.
Goodies: Bob H brought a nice batch of brownies lovingly prepared by his darling wife Geri. As always, Hoppy brought a little table for the brownies, napkins and baggies so players could bring some of the treats home. The goodies were NOT extorted from Bob for leaving a folding chair on the court last week. The chair was absolutely NOT held for ransom as some people hurtfully implied. In the past, items left behind have been held for a FINDERS FEE, but in no way would that be considered a bribe.

Pickleball: Nothing unusual here. Many fine doubles matches and a good mix of players. Near the end of the session about 6 singles matches were also held. As everyone knows, there is a lot more running around in singles matches than in doubles. Here, you have to work on ball placement and strategy. Everyone should try playing singles - you may take a beating if you are out played, but you'll improve your skills if you don't wear yourself out first.

Also: We were paid a visit by two Greenville Rec staffers. As already mentioned, we had a full house so they got to see our group in full force.

See you on the courts.
Hammered Head (Not hammerhead!)

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