9 Players: John, Jan, Lynne, Steve, Ralph, Fran, Sharon, Mike and this writer.
Some players were reluctant to come today after the Sunday announcement about the session. They feared that it would be too cold to play. They were assured that the temp would be at least 46 degrees. This writer brought an Official, US calibrated to Naval Observatory Standards, magnesium colored, lightweight, solar powered (with battery backup) thermometer. It was cleverly attached to the fence, in a protected position and as guaranteed - the temp hit 46 degrees (F) and stayed exactly the same for the entire match. Some players' automobile thermometers registered the temperature at 41 degrees. Just shows you how inaccurate they can be!
To confirm the court temperature readings - an authentic, un-retouched photo is attached for you viewing pleasure.
Once everyone was settled on the weather issues, we began to play p'ball and we carried on for 3 glorious hours. Many fine games ensued. Lynne was playing wearing jeans and with a bum foot to boot (pun intended). She played one of her best games. Ralph was fired up; his serve is back and he pulled off a couple of great hustle-plays. Sharon lashed a few kill shots much to the displeasure of her opponents. Jan tried to attack the photographer (see photo) while he foolishly crouched behind the net during a game to "get realistic action shots".
And, almost forgot. Four young disc golfers stopped by and asked, "what is the name of that sport?" Not 'game', but 'sport'. Glad they saw the event for the sport it is.
We plan on another Pickleball session on Friday January 15, 2010.
Spike (aka Ron):
Tall-story teller (well, not actually tall)/amateur weather forecaster and arranger/part time photographer/all around handy man
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