Tuesday, April 13, 2010

P'Ball - It's a blast! 4/13/2010

It was a sparkling day, and we had a fine turnout with 13 warm bodies and that does not include the smiley in the center of the top photo. Players: Ralph, Bob H., Jan, Anne, Peter F., Mike, John, Johnny, Carol, Joanie, Gary, Sharon and yon editor of dubious writing prowess. Joanie earns the Cover Person honors in this issue. You can be placed in that position next time for a small advanced gratuity. Cash only, please! The games were fast and furious and we went at it for 2-1/2 hours. Almost everyone was still standing, or at least leaning, at the end of the session.
Anne (Pit Bull) returned from Florida after having visited with Upstate Pickleball Group founders Ken & Lynn. She had a great visit and a warm reception. It took a while to get in the groove, but after her first match Pit Bull came around and gave her competition a notable workout. As you can see from the photos above, folks were laying into the ball with full force. No sissy games for the UPG! Bob H brought a bunch of home-made Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins that were a big hit. In keeping with our classy ways - he even brought a little table so we could enjoy the yummies in a dignified manner. Above top L-R: Joanie/Spidy, Jan, Gary; center L-R: Ralph (away)/Peter, Anne/Peter F, Carol/John; bottom L-R Spidy (forward)/Buckeye, John, Peter. If anyone can make sense of the picture descriptions above, please advise by email, snail mail, pony express or courier as a soon as possible and enclose a non-refundable stipend in the amount of $5 (USD). Looks like we'll be playing on Thursday, April 15th. Stay tuned (AND: Friday, April 16th).

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