Wednesday, July 28, 2010

3 Hs Pickleball - July 27, 2010

Anne (Pit Bull) gets the 'cover girl' glory for this "3 Hs" day: HOT, HUMID AND HARDCORE. She brightened up the day with her spiffy duds and played fiercely, as well. But, before we got started we had to clear the courts of puddles from the Monday PM T-storms. Spidy and Joanie are at it below. Pete also pitched in as did John (The Spinmaster). We ended up with 9 players: Anne, Joanie, Mike, John, Johnny, Pete, Claude, Jan and this blabber.
Anne, bright and shiny as a new penny, demonstrates her P'ball prowess below right.
Below: Claude retrieves a ball deep and low; Joanie is at the ready.
We didn't always have a full complement of players, due to stragglers arriving at various times and weather-depleted folks leaving. So, we made do. We played doubles, a singles match and 2 Canadian Doubles matches. During one hotly contested doubles match, someone placed a nasty drop shot well out of Jan's reach. She referred to him as a 'dog'. We (the Editorial Staff) don't know if she was complimenting her opponent by referring to the cunning ways of - say, an English Springer Spaniel, or if the term was derogatory in nature and referred to the sly tactics of a man-eating Basenji. The tone of Jan's voice seems to suggest the latter, not the former. But, you will have to make the final judgement.
We will be on the courts later this week - probably Friday. Check your E-mail.

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