Friday, May 21, 2010

About 1 Dozen - P'ball - 5/21/10

We had 12 players today - plus, Bridgett - that makes for a Baker's Dozen. Of course Bridgett didn't play. But, she was on guard duty as you can plainly see. Here she scans the territory from the comfort of Lynne's lap. Players in action: Catherine, Bob T, Bob H, John, Johnny, Mike, Steve, Ray, Joanie, Lynne, Sharon & yon storyteller. It was good to see Catherine back after a lengthy hiatus. She was kind enough to take some pictures including one of me that is included in one of the collages. Some of our fan club members (UPG Fan Club Worldwide and Boosters Internationale) have expressed some doubt about my presence at recent matches due to the utter lack of direct digital documentation. The photo should put all such doubts to rest. Below: The two best dressed and color-coordinated players of the day. Ray in his robin-egg blue outfit and John (The Spin Doctor) attired in British tan. Ray was sporting a new paddle and made some sweet shots; Stevie Wonder's celebrations were much more subdued - probably fearing sanctions; Lynne (Ace) practiced her French, usually after she missed kill-shots; Johnny (Hoot) played the net hard as usual, and left more than a few opposing players shaking in their Nike Airs; Joanie made several nice winning shots immediately followed by gleeful outbursts (hers) and quiet weeping by her opponents; Cupcake, the posterchild for ADD, watched a disc-golf player, stomp on his Frisbee - then throw it into the parking lot. Cupcake took all of this in while she was playing P'ball. The two Bobs (Grumpy and Buckeye, but not necessarily in that order) stayed out of mischief. Otherwise, everyone was well behaved and we had lots of good matches including a few that went into overtime.
A light drizzle commenced after about an hour of play. We kept at it until the drizzle picked up and finally coated the courts. Using better judgement than usual, we called it quits at about 11:00AM - so we played for 1-1/2 hours. We'll be at it again next week. More fun in the sun.
PS: Buckeye inadvertantly left his paddle behind when he departed. It is being held for ransom. Stayed tuned.

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