Friday, May 7, 2010

Pickleball Spectacular - May 7, 2010

We had a bang-up day today that included beautiful weather and a nice visit from P'ball enthusiasts from Keowee-key. But before we could get started, we had to clear the courts that were quite puddled from last evening's T-storms. Bob T, was the first one there and he had started the cleanup. Keowee-Keyer Roger showed up early too, so we handed him a broom and put him to work. His 1st time @ P'ball and he gets to swab the deck! And, we didn't charge him anything for the privilege. All part of the game and he took in stride. Our regular crowd showed up over time. When the full contingent of visitors and core players arrived we ended up with 19 players and one visitor (Pattie*). Players present: Mike, Steve, Gary, Ralph, John, Lynne, Joanie, Sharon, Bob T, Bob H, Roger*, Peter, Dick S*, Raylene*, Richard W*, James, Pete P, Jan and yon Editor.
Once we got started, Mike (Spidy), Ralph, Gary & Stevie Wonder decided to play at McPherson Park, which worked out well, because we were still left with 15 players - and, that's a lot of action on two courts. But, we managed famously and played many games, sometimes shuffling in four players at a time. The crew from Keowee-Key are nice folks (must be a P'baller genetic trait) and played some excellent matches. Hopefully they will get some courts going in their neighborhood and we'll be able to join them for some matches on their home turf.

* The names in red are the folks from keowee-Key.
FLASH: Spidy just reported that his party of four played 6 hard-core matches at McPherson and had a swell time, but they missed us terribly!
See you next week.

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