Wednesday, September 1, 2010

UPG - P'all session - Friday, 8/27/2010

Another steamer of a day, but 13 UPG toughies showed up and were ready to play. So, that's what we did. We had many fine games in spite of the heat. The group thinned out after two hours, but there were still enough players to keep one court smoking for another hour. Players: Jan, Johnny, John, Carol, Peter, Peter P (came out of the woodwork - as the saying goes), Charlie, Ray, Bob H, Lynne, Steve, Sharon and Ron.

Above: Lynne (Ace) and Jan protecting their turf. Below: Charlie deftly lofts a ball in the genera direction of his opponents.

Below: John (Spinmaster) lived up the his namesake. He dropped several 'spinners' on the opposite court, occasionally within reach of the competition - but, not for long.
So, we had another fun day in Upstate Pickleballville. We'll be at it again on Friday, Sept 3rd. Watch for the fun-packed E-mail schedule announcement.

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